Hey friends!
Welcome back to Notion For Weekly, our newsletter covering the latest Notion products, templates, and more.
This is the second issue of the newsletter, and we’d love to hear from you. What do you think of the simple Notion Tool, Template, and Tip format of the newsletter? Would you like more information? Less?
Talk to you soon!
Tool: Potion
Early access to Potion, a new Notion website builder, launched last week. And it looks promising.
Template: DesignerUp product design templates
DesignerUp is an ecosystem of product design resources to help you become a more mindful designer and create better products. And their premium Notion templates are pretty great. Check them out here.
Tip: Notion character count
Thanks for reading. If you come across something interesting and new in the world of Notion, let us know on Twitter at @notionfor.
See you next week!